Office Renovation Ideas

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In the modern sense, high-quality office renovation is not only the replacement of communications and old finishes, but a comprehensive arrangement of the facility, where the emphasis is on ensuring the functionality of the interior, coziness and comfort necessary for customers and maintaining the normal working capacity of employees. Office fit out is one of the most important things in your work life.

Now, when creating office interior design and space, modern designs and materials are used. For a long time familiar mobile partitions are effectively used in office premises for zoning and arranging individual workplaces for each employee. Soft chairs, modern comfortable furniture – the key to productivity. A well-planned arrangement of lighting fixtures and lighting is an important component of a quality repair.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the best selection of photos of offices, evaluate current trends, interior design arrangements. Our office renovation ideas will help you decide on the appearance of the premises after the renovation.

Attention! Do not forget that workers must rest physically and mentally throughout the day, and therefore take care of creating a recreation area, which should be one of the points in the plan for the upcoming repair. Installing flower arrangements, large aquariums is one of the best options.

First of all, you need to develop a change plan, namely a design project. Think about how to make the room wider? In spacious office premises it will be much easier for you to do your work. To do this, make passages in the form of arches, remove the wall partitions.

It is recommended to replace old windows with good natural light. The best option is to buy and install large windows. When choosing them, you should not save money – install wooden or plastic euro-windows with multi-layer double-glazed windows, which will retain heat in the room. We must not forget that the noise of the metropolis makes it difficult to concentrate on work, which means giving preference to windows with good sound insulation. For the work of employees, we recommend installing fluorescent and LED energy-saving lamps.

When choosing finishing materials, we recommend giving preference to environmentally friendly and high-quality options. If earlier office premises were finished with PVC panels that emitted toxic substances, the wallpaper retained the smell of smoking, then in modern offices they try to use wallpaper to a minimum, the walls are covered with plaster, the walls are painted with water-based paints, carpets are not used so often.

Many executives equip the office with sofas, a homely atmosphere, and so on. This is because many people spend more time at work than at home, so it is important to take care of home comfort in the office in order to feel as comfortable as possible.

For more efficient work of company representatives, it is necessary to adjust the ventilation system. If there is no such system, then the head of the company should think about its installation. Air conditioners are required in summer. Just remember to clean your filters regularly, as they can harbor bacteria that can cause serious lung disease like Legionnaires’ disease.


What style to design the office.

The client will receive the first impression of your company by visiting your office. If he has any inconvenience or unpleasant associations, you will not be able to change your opinion about yourself. Choosing the right style for the interior of a company is a difficult task that requires maximum concentration from the designer. The design of a small office should make an impression from the first minutes, competently reflect the activities of the organization. Today, 5 interior styles are considered the most successful and harmonious.



Minimalism in interior design is characterized by a large amount of free space and high functionality of all pieces of furniture. Here you will not see unnecessary details and heaps of decor. The design of a small office in a modern style, as in the photo, will be as simple and convenient as possible.

This style is characterized by the use of light, unobtrusive shades. Lighting in such an interior will imitate gentle daylight.



The main distinguishing feature of Art Nouveau design is soft plastic lines and rounded shapes. This style expresses harmony and unity with nature, which is probably why it is less functional than minimalism.

Art Nouveau small office design is characterized by natural colors: light blues and greens, grays and earthy tones. Here you can find decor that accentuates attention, for example, in the form of a large rounded chandelier.


High tech.

High-tech style implies comfort, modernity and manufacturability in design.

Functionality and convenience of design are combined here with experiments in the field of lighting. Metal, glass, lacquer, mirror surfaces are typical high-tech interior materials. In addition to the main lighting, you can apply additional lighting for each zone or workplace. Hi-tech loves to expose structures, so lighting fixtures on brackets will come in handy more than ever.


Techno art.

If you like experimental and extraordinary solutions and want to surprise your clients, techno-art style is for you. The main thing to remember is that it will be appropriate only for non-standard layouts. As for materials, as in high-tech style, you can use glass, metal and other atypical types of finishes. Also, high-tech design is characterized by bright and even acid colors.



The design of a small loft-style office is also not suitable for everyone. The emphasis is on the incompleteness of the finish, open communications, the aesthetics of non-residential premises are combined in the loft with stylish designer pieces of furniture and decor. It should also be noted that despite the exclusive look, interior decoration in the loft style is very popular today.


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